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Speakers' Profile

Ms. Kristin Aealbjorg Arndottir
Ambassador of Iceland in China

Ms. Kristin A. Arndottir is currently the Ambassador of Iceland to China, Australia, Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, New Zealand, North Korea, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam.Ms. crnadcttir was an Ambassador in various offices of the Deputy Permanent Secretary of State of Iceland from 2008 to 2009 before she took up her present position in January 2010. She was a Special Envoy of the Minster for Foreign Affairs of Iceland in 2007-2008. (More details)

Ms. Julie T. Broussard
Country Programme Manager,  UN Women China Office

Ms. Julie T. Broussard has lived and worked in China for more than 10 years and speaks fluent Chinese. Since March 2009, she has worked as the Country Programme Manager for the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) office in China.  (More details)

Mrs. Carter Melik
Founder and Director of the Yunnan Mountain Heritage Foundation

Mrs. Carter Malik is the founder and Director of Yunnan Mountain Heritage Foundation in China.The Yunnan Mountain Heritage Foundation (YMHF) is a non-profit making organization founded to protect and promote cultural heritage, handicrafts, and eco-tourism in Shangri-La, Yunnan.YMHF projects include poverty alleviation, sustainable livelihood and job creation in local rural communities.Mrs. Malik was awarded the title, Honorary Citizen of Shangri-La, in September2007 at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.(More details)

Ms. Annikki Arponen
Consul General of Finland in Hong Kong

Ms. Annikki Arponen is currently the Consul General of Finland in Hong Kong and Macau.

Ms. Arponen has extensive experience in international diplomacy.Before she joined the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in 1983, she was Project Manager at the Finnish Fair Corporation from 1976 to 1978 and interpreter and educator for Asian refugees in Finnish Red Cross from1978 to 1982.Her first job in the diplomatic service was Attach, Second Secretary, at the Embassy of Finland in Beijing from 1983 to 1991. .(More details)

Professor Cheng Kai-ming
Chair of Education, University of Hong Kong

Professor Kai-ming Cheng is Chair Professor of Education at the University of Hong Kong.He was Dean of Education, Pro-Vice- Chancellor and, until recently, Senior Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor of the University.

Trained as a mathematician, he was a school teacher and a principal before he pursued doctoral study at the London Institute of Education.He taught at the Harvard Graduate School of Education as Visiting Professor from 1996-2006. (More details)

Mr. Frank Ching

Mr. Frank Ching is a journalist and writer who has reported and commented on events in Asia, particularly China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, for many years. Mr. Ching worked for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and the Far Eastern Economic Review. He opened The Wall Street Journal's bureau in China after the normalization of U.S.-China relations, thus becoming one of the first four American newspaper reporters to be based in Beijing since 1949. (More details)

Mrs. Stella Lau J.P.
Chairperson of the Women's Commission

Mrs. Stella Lau, J.P., Headmistress, Diocesan Girls' School has served as a Member of the Women's Commission since 2006 and was appointed Chairperson of the Commission in January 2012.She is also a Member of the University Grants Committee, Council for Sustainable Development, Research Ethics Committee (Kowloon Central / KowloonEast) of Hospital Authority, ICAC Complaints Committee, the Sir Jack Cater Scholarship Fund Selection Committee and the Chairlady of the Board of the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation.  (More details)

The Honourable Ms. Starry Lee, J.P.
Member of the Legislative Council

The Honourable Ms. Starry Lee, an accountant by profession, is currently a non-official Member of the Executive Council of the HKSAR and a Member of the Legislative Council of the HKSAR. Ms. Lee is also the chairperson of the Financial Affairs Panel of the Legislative Council, member of the Education Panel, Constitutional Affairs Panel, Home Affairs Panel, and the Administration of Justice and Legal Services Panel. (More details)

Ms. Miriam Lau G.B.S., O.B.E., J.P.

Ms. Miriam Lau is a solicitor and Notary Public in Hong Kong and also a China-Appointed Attesting Officer.Ms. Lau has a long and distinguished record of public service.She was first appointed as a Member of the Legislative Council in 1988 and was elected as a Legislative Councillor for the Transport Functional Constituency in 1995.Ms. Lau had remained as a Member in the Provisional Legislative Council and the HKSAR Legislative Council until 2012.During her 24 years' service in the Legislative Council, she was the Chairman of the House Committee from 2003 to 2012.  (More details)







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